Новият световен ред и Илюминати (документален филм)

Илюминати и новия световен ред. New world order by f100001589936039

"Тайните организации на световния управленски елит вече не са тайни.

Те изготвят планове и ни водят към едно СВЕТОВНО КОМУНИСТИЧЕСКО ПРАВИТЕЛСТВО..."

Stan Jones U.S. Senate Candidate

Владимир Путин, ВРАГ на новия световен ред на Джакоб Ротшилд -->

Vladimir Putin, ENEMY to Jacob Rothschild’s New World Order — Word to the Wise: Americans, KEEP Your Guns

Putin says NO to the NWO which makes Jacob Rothschild a little nervous. He needs Russia on their side to fullfill and complete this Agenda but Putin says NO and will fight against this. Obama is really getting on Putins nerves though because he can’t see why he’s doing the things he’s doing to his own people and warning americans “Keep your Guns”!!

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