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The Tide Has Changed

by White Wolf


A ssassinations are accidents
B ombardments are liberation
C hemtrails are natural clouds
D umbing down is education
E xploitation is help
F riends are enemy combattants
G enocide is self defence
H ijacking is protecting
J ackals are sheepdogs
K akophony is symphony
L ooting is preserving
M assacres are unintended
N ukes are safe
O pression is justice
P ropaganda is truth
R esistance is rioting
S lavery is freedom
T o be is to have
U niting is conspiring
V accinations protect
W ar is peace
X XX is esthetic
Y outh is forever
Z apata was a terrorist

The compassion of mankind you cannot end
The road to destruction you cannot defend
The universal laws you cannot bend
Whatever will be they will win in the end
What you created it makes you go under
We are awaking from our slumber

The veils are lifting
The mist it clears
The fog is drifting
To end the tears

The tide has changed



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